Malika Agueznay
contemporary Moroccan master printmaker and painter.
Malika Agueznay is one of the female pioneers of Moroccan plastic arts known for championing the Casablanca School, which emerged as a distinct movement that sought to take Moroccan art from simple depiction of the East to modernity and the abstract, thus rehabilitating Moroccan sensitivity and linking modernity to the roots of the past. Agueznay ’s paintings have distinct personal characteristics, as seen in the use of mosses and extremely small objects.
After studying para-medicine in Morocco and France, Agueznay returned to her natural penchant for painting and s'inscrit at the school of Beaux-Arts in Casablanca which she attended from 1966 to 1970. She has worked with Chebaa and Melehl and has been an active participant in cultural events in Morocco. In 1978 she worked with Artimowsk and has perfected techniques en gravures while working with Krichna Reddy, Robert Blackburn, and Mohamed Omar Khalil.
Selected exhibitions include the Expositions Collective Internationale de Gravure at Asilah (Mosseum Culturel) Morocco, 1979 - 1985; a group exhibition at the Nadar Gallery, Casablanca; Exposition Feminine, Association of Grand Atlas Painters and Printmakers of Marrakech; and numerous women's art shows and cultural events. In addition to exhibiting in the Arab world, she has shown her work in Holland, Spain, France, and the United States.