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Asmara All Stars
Asmara All Stars
Asmara All Stars

Asmara All Stars

Eritrea, 2008
BiographyThe Asmara All Stars is a group of Eritrean singers and musicians brought together in 2008 by French music producer Bruno Blum. Comprising of musicians from around the country, the Asmara All Stars are known for their contemporary take on the traditional Eri-jazz sound.? Through their live concerts and recorded album, the Asmara All Stars uplift Eritrean music and bring it into dialogue with the rest of the continent.

In 2006 Bruno Blum was invited by the Alliance Française to Asmara to play with local musicians. Soon after, the Eritrean Cultural Affairs Office arranged for Blum to audition singers and musicians, with the goal of recording an album of Eritrean music. When word got out, many of Eritrea’s top local and international talent flocked to Admas Studio to join the innovative and exciting music-making collaboration. Following two months of almost daily practicing, the Asmara All Stars started playing live shows and recorded the album Eritrea’s Got Soul. As highlighted by their record label OutHere Records, "The Asmara All Star project is all about leaving politics behind and focusing on making exciting music."?


The group’s album principal album, Eritrea’s Got Soul, released in 2010, combines a big band sound with soul, Jamaican reggae, and Eri-jazz. The album’s different musical styles and selections range from beloved Tigre songs to local hip hop, with traditional Tigrigna gwaila beats and Kunama rhythms mixed in. It also includes languages from eight ethnic groups: Kunama, Nara, Bilen, Afar, Saho, Hedaareb, Tigré, and Tigrigna.???

The Asmara All Stars is comprised of the following musicians and singers: Adam Faid Amir, Adam Hamid, Ali Hassen, Aron Berhe, Brkti Weldeslassie, Dawit Zeragabir, Doc Reggae, Edwardo Giorgio, Faytinga, Hassan Suleman, Ibrahim Goret, Mahmoud Ahmed Omer, Mohammed Ahmed Shaabi, Noah Hailemelekot, Omar Hola, Sara Teklesenbet, Sedik Omar, Solomon Amanuel, Tekle Negassi, Temasgen Yared, Tesfamichael Tkabo, Tesfaldet Leghese, and Yosef Tsehaye.
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