BiographyPierre Dmitrienko was a painter and sculpture born in Paris in 1925 from a Russian father and a Greek mother. Shortly after the war, he studies architecture at the Fine Arts of Paris (Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris). He begins painting in 1944 (marine, portraits and landscapes) and befriends young painters as François Arnal and Serge Rezvani. In his first period of creation, the young artist is under some influences of Albert Gleizes, and through him of Cubism. He discovers Paul Klee. Over time, he participates in many group exhibitions, his real debut starts from 1948, when he belongs to the group “Mains éblouies” (Dazzled Hands) at the Maeght Gallery group composed by most young abstract painters of Paris.Pierre Dmitrienko participates in exhibitions in Paris (Salon of May, New Realities in 1957) and international group exhibitions. The artist reaps an impressive harvest of awards and prizes.