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Ronald Mevs
Ronald Mevs
Ronald Mevs

Ronald Mevs

Haiti, 1945 - 2023
Place of BirthHaiti
BiographyPainter, sculptor, printmaker and, occasionally metal furniture designer, Ronald Mevs was among the preeminent Haitian artists. Born in a family of artists, he was well connected with the country’s art community since an early age. Mevs’ work was influential in forming the culture of "syncretism" or an amalgamation of American, European and African influences in contemporary Haitian art. According to the artist, he approached “the design, the lines - as in Voodoo symbols – as a link between reality and spirit." Mevs' work reflects a new language of universality and solidarity fusing Africanism and Amerindianism.
Person TypeIndividual