BiographyGerald Chukwuma graduated at the top of his class from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, in 2003 with a degree in Art. He has won several prizes in art competitions. Most recently he participated in the critically acclaimed 2008 group exhibition “The Unbreakable Nigerian Spirit” in Abuja, and was one of ten participants whose work was selected to be shown in The Netherlands. Churwuma’s medium is a cross between painting and sculpture. Inspired by the art and philosophy of El Anatsui who teaches at Nsukka, Churwuma combines his knowledge of West African culture and traditional techniques with the use of contemporary materials. To create his wooden panels Churwuma employs woodcarving, painting and assembly. The abstract character of these panels allows one to interpret them in a number of ways – a landscape or piece of textile carved in wood… Color is perhaps the most striking feature of Chukwuma’s work. His philosophy is that visions or intuition cannot be expressed through words; colors are the only means of conveying them.