Slobodan Vignjevic
North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), 1968
Graduated at Skopje Fine Arts Faculty of the UNiversity "Kiril i Metodi"
Selected exhibitions/activities:
1989 Published illustration of posters for the Charity Concert of Ermenia
1991 His poster was chosen the best at the Skopje Jazz Festival
1992 First prize at the competition for poster of MOT (Young Open Theater)
1992 - His poster for INTERFEST - Bitola (International Festival of Classic Music) was bought ofof as a trade mark logo for the festival (which affirmed him internationally)
1994 had an exhibition entitled "From A Graphic to A Painting" at INTERFEST - Bitola
1996 participated in the exhibition of graduate students of the Skopje Fine Arts Faculty at the Macedonian Army Center
1996 Biennale of Modern Graphic Paintings, Belgrade
"37 Oktobarski Salon", Belgrade
One-man show of graphic works at MILS-Skophe
1997 Participated at the International Triennal of Graphic Art, Bitola when he was invited by Prof. Franco Vecchiet to his private school in Venice
2001 he is invited to participate in the Third Festival of Gravura in Evora, Portugala and the Graphic Exhibition in Cremona, Italy
In 1994 art critic, R. Ivanishevic wrote in Nova Makedonija "Vignjevic's works show striking visions of the chaotic and apocalyptic emotions, events and figures that appear, disappear and dream in his imaginative paintings."... Discovering the secrets of graphic and painting with the help of his professors, the top artists Dinka (graphics) and Rodoljub Anastasov (painting), Slobodan Vignjevic has searched and searched bringing the clearness, preciseness and spirituality of the graphics to a perfect level. Synthesizing his thoughts of a graphics painter, he has been searching the secret world of colors, and his works have all the characteristics of these two, apparently, different artistic values."
Person TypeIndividual
North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), 1955
North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), 1971