BiographyA constant in my art has been the importance of circles—be they mandalas, the circle of life, or portholes through which we see both others and our inner selves. During the last 4 years, I have been experimenting with the properties of modern materials, such as plastic, acetate, polycarbonate, Mylar, and glass, to create optical effects. My art has also acquired sculptural qualities. I have been working exclusively on three-dimensional pieces—maybe only an inch or two thick—using Mylar and acetate to create layers within the internal space. The use of these transparencies and 3D technique has suited my purposes perfectly. I subject them to various conditions and elements to give them just the effect I am looking for. I create worlds where the viewer is allowed to see some things clearly, some things opaquely. But all things seen are intended to reflect an outer and inner world of psychological stress, fragility and dislocation. I have come to recognize that my art is tending more and more to show the influence of Op art and minimalism.“My current work explores the conflict on the one hand between the external, structured world in which we all live and are measured and evaluated. But that is only one layer of our lives. On a deeper layer resides our internal, fluid selves, where emotions may be undisciplined and cannot be easily charted. But this is also where the yearning for the connection with independence, freedom and closeness to nature is most purely expressed.”