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Mustafa Ghulam
Mustafa Ghulam
Mustafa Ghulam

Mustafa Ghulam

Pakistan, 1952
BiographyGhulam Mustafa is known as a master of landscape. He is acknowledged for spontaneity and expertise in capturing whatever subject arrests his attention. His works of the old Lahore city vividly capture shifting light and shadows, the textures and patina left on the city walls by the passage of time, and the everyday hubbub of the streets.

Ghulam Mustafa obtained his diploma in Fine Arts from the National College of Arts, Lahore, in 1974. He also earned a Certificate of Merit in Stage Design from a workshop taught by Korean instructors in 1977. For 28 years, Mustafa had served on the Punjab Arts Council. He is a world renowned artist and has had exhibitions in the USA, China, Japan, UK, Dubai, India and other countries. His art is part of Pakistani art history curriculum in schools, such as the National College of Arts.
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